The writeup is a bit long. So that the whole thing is not just "tl;dr" for the masses, I'll split it into multiple posts.
Spoiler alert: Here are all the action items suggested in the various posts.
Action item: Ask Rich Hickey and Clojure/core to clarify their position and/or plans re ClojureCLR.
Action item: Now that there is blog (here!), use it to inform and educate the community.
Clojure/contrib lib ports
Action item: Provide ports of key libs to 'prime the pump'.
Action item: Illustrate the porting process and provide more detailed guidelines.
Action item: Find a way to manage maintenance of ported libs.
Action item: Provide better documentation and examples for interop at the class/method level, particularly for things not in the Java world, such as true generic classes and methods, by-ref parameters, etc.
Action item: Provide tutorial examples of interop with key MS frameworks: Linq, ASP.NET/MVC, Reactive Framework, WPF, TPL.
Action item: Provide tutorial examples of C# calling back into ClojureCLR.
Action item: Identify smaller libraries that would benefit from wrappers and implement same.
Action item: Develop a version of Leiningen supporting ClojureCLR projects (nlein?)
Action item: Develop a NuGet distribution for ClojureCLR, and perhaps ported contrib libs
Action item: Develop Emacs support for ClojureCLR
Action item: Improve VS integration (vsClojure?)
Action item: Investigate Mono compatibility
Does this look like a reasonable agenda for the immediate future of ClojureCLR development. The lines are open and agents are standing by to take your call.
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